Sapa Alumni Sharing Session

Ikutilah berbincang-bincang dengan alumni Magister Kimia Universitas Airlangga pada:
Sabtu, 24 April 2021
Pukul 15.00 WIB (3 P.M., GMT+7:00)
Zoom Meeting ID: 996 1458 6193

Sapa Alumni Sharing Session
dengan Topik “Mapping The Study and Future”
Proudly Present:
1. Ilma Amalina, Ph.D (Alumni 2014)
Department of Nanotechnology Engineering
Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidisciplinary
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
2. Murobbiyatul Wathoniyyah, M.Si. (Alumni 2017)
Research and Development of Essential Oils and Aromatic Chemicals

Titah Aldila Budiastanti, S.Si.
Master Student of Chemistry
Universitas Airlangga