Chemistry Master's Degree Program
Universitas Airlangga
Master’s Program in Chemistry (Prodi Magister Kimia) is organized based on DIKTI Decree No. 853/D/T/2008. This program aims to fulfill the needs of master’s level chemists (S2) with specific specifications according to international demands in the era of globalization, enabling graduates to keep up with advancements in chemistry and apply them in societal life.
Yanuardi Raharjo, S,Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Study Program Coordinator
Master of Chemistry Period 2020-2025
The aim of the Master of Chemistry Study Program is to produce a Masters to have religious morals and have the ability to deepen or expand the science of chemistry and applied chemistry by producing accurate models/ methods/ theory development, tested, innovative, and can be published scientifically in scientific national and international journals; solve the science and technology problems related to structure and chemical properties at the micro and macromolecular level, through an approach experimental, theoretical deduction or computation/ simulation; developing chemical scientific uses to be applied to broader scope in the fields of health, industry and the environment; and contribute to the planning and management of a research roadmap in chemistry through an inter- or multidisciplinary approach.
Our program place emphasis on students to become knowledgeable and competent in addressing and solving related problems through research and development activities in the field of chemistry. The curriculum of the Master of Chemistry is prepared based on the needs of industry, government, and education. Therefore, we are offers areas of expertise of Biochemistry, Organic chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Physical chemistry, and Inorganic chemistry. Our graduates are groomed for a variety of career paths including careers in the chemical industry, researcher, experties, academia, and among others.

Jurnal Kimia Riset (Scientific Journal of Chemical Research) is a scientific journal that contains a collection of research articles and original findings in the field of chemistry, as well as a review of the development of chemistry. This journal is intended to publish research results in the fields of Organic, Inorganic, Inorganic, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and others characterized by solving problems in the medical, pharmaceutical, environmental, and agricultural fields using a chemical approach.
Jan 24
- S2 Research Dissemination
- January 28th, 2024
- 09.00 - Finish
- Zoom Meeting
Des 23
- Dissemination of Master of Chemistry Student Research
- December 5th, 2023
- 10.00 - Finish
- Zoom Meeting
Sep 21
- Research Dissemination of UNAIR Master of Chemistry Students 2021
- September 4th, 2021
- 09.00 - Finish
- Zoom Meeting