UNAIR Chemistry Master Student Won Best Presenter Award at CoSCI 2022 International Conference

One of the Master’s students in Chemistry at UNAIR received an award as the best presenter in the “Life Science” category at The 3rd Conference on Sustainable Chemistry and Industry (CoSCI 2022), held online on September 28, 2022. The student’s name is Suhaili, focusing on natural product chemistry. During the presentation, Suhaili presented his research […]
Department of Chemistry Hosts Guest Lecture on Fundamentals of Inorganic Reactions from Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

On Monday (17/10), the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, held an event under the Campus Merdeka Competition Program (PKKM): a Guest Lecture on the Fundamentals of Inorganic Reaction by Assoc. Prof. Woi Pei Meng from the Department of Chemistry, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. The lecture topic was “Transition Metal-based Nanomaterial for […]