
Master's Program in Chemistry

The Master’s Program in Chemistry is organized based on DIKTI Decree No. 853/D/T/2008. The program aims to fulfill the needs of master’s level chemists (S2) with specific specifications aligned with international demands in the era of globalization, enabling graduates to keep pace with the advancements in chemistry and apply them in societal life.

History of the Chemistry Master's Degree Program
The history of the Master’s Program in Chemistry at the Faculty of Science and Technology (formerly known as the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) at Universitas Airlangga began in 1982 with the establishment based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 048/DJ/Krp/1982 and No. 117/DIKTI/Kep/1984. The renaming from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) to the Faculty of Science and Technology (Fak. Saintek) was formalized by the Rector’s Decree No. 3294/J03/OT/2008 on April 10, 2008. Prior to this, the Department of Chemistry had already been renamed to the Chemistry Department, preceding the change of the faculty’s name, according to the Rector’s Decree No. 9939/J03/HK/2007 on October 22, 2007. Continuing its operations, the Chemistry Department manages two study programs: the Undergraduate Program (S-1) in Chemistry and the Master’s Program (S-2) in Chemistry. The Undergraduate Program in Chemistry has been accredited A by BAN-PT for two consecutive periods and obtained the AUN Certification in 2015. Meanwhile, the Master’s Program in Chemistry has been accredited B by BAN-PT for two consecutive periods as well. The Undergraduate Program offers five areas of interest: Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physical Chemistry.