Students from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) and 43 international students conducted International Community Service (KKN Internasional) in 2021 using a blended model

This year, the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, once again organized the International Community Service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata Internasional or KKN Internasional) held in Dusun Sine, Kalibatur Village, Kalidawir Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency. The International Community Service, which was on hiatus for a year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, resumed as an effort to boost the spirit of community service.

In 2021, the International Community Service involved students and faculty advisors from FST UNAIR, including international students through a planned and measured program aimed at applying the knowledge and skills of the students. The theme for KKN Internasional 2021 was SDGs 2030, focusing on three main areas: environment and health, economics, and social community.

The implementation of KKN Internasional this year utilized a blended approach (online and offline). A total of 43 participants, including students from abroad (Malaysia, Nigeria, Russia, and Kano), participated in the offline activities of KKN Internasional, which included webinars and bilingual video production (English-Indonesian) for elementary school students in Dusun Sine.

On the first day, Monday (13/9), the launch of KKN Internasional 2021 was celebrated vibrantly via a Zoom meeting platform (online) with 43 international students, students from FST UNAIR, faculty advisors from FST UNAIR, and warmly welcomed by Moch. Zakki Fahmi, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Chemistry, FST UNAIR, and Prof. Irsyad, Dean of FISE MSU.

Pelepasan KKN Internasional 2021

The next day (14/9), activities were conducted in the form of offline socialization with health protocols for the wives of fishermen and the community in Dusun Sine regarding guidelines for PIRT permits, guidelines for using e-commerce platforms like Shopee, product licensing, and education on sanitation and waste management. These activities were presented in the form of presentations and engaging video tutorials that were easy for residents to understand. This initiative was carried out to support SDG Goal 1, which aims to empower fishermen’s wives to achieve maximum welfare and well-being.

Sosialisasi Panduan Ijin PIRT, Panduan Penggunaan e-commerce, Edukasi Sanitasi serta Sampah
On Wednesday (15/9), students from FST UNAIR empowered the wives of fishermen in Dusun Sine to conduct demonstrations on making fish meatballs using a vacuum sealer for packaging and an oil spinner for oil filtration. Additionally, elementary school students in Dusun Sine were engaged in a tutorial session on making clay to enhance creativity and learned proper handwashing techniques to prevent the spread of diseases.
Demonstrasi Pembuatan Bakso Ikan
Demonstrasi Pembuatan Clay

The next day, on 16th September, beach cleaning activities were conducted along with distributing trash bins to the local community at various beach locations and areas. This effort was aimed at supporting SDG Goal No. 14, which focuses on conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources.

Bersih-bersih pantai dan pembagian tempat sampah

Friday (17/9) marked the last day of the International Community Service Program (KKN Internasional) 2021. The enthusiasm shown by the international students added to the vibrancy of activities throughout the week-long program. Shuaibu Balah, a student from the University of Kano in Nigeria, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “This program is excellent. I have learned a lot, and I hope this program will provide good education for the local elementary school children. If programs like this are conducted every year (at least), it will motivate children to be more creative and enhance the well-being of the broader community. Please continue this. I hope in future programs, international participants will be able to join all activities online if possible. Because some activities were conducted offline, and we (international participants) want to see and participate in this program, as we have learned a lot.”

Both FST UNAIR students and the 43 international students share a strong hope to advance the nation’s generation and actively contribute to improving the well-being of the broader community, one of which is through conducting community service activities to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.

Author: Alsya Firdausi Nuzula

Editor: Qurrota A’yuni