Alumni of the 2021 Master’s Program in Chemistry Share Their Experiences While Studying at UNAIR

  • Mila Rosyda: It is an honor to be part of the S-2 Chemistry family at Universitas Airlangga. One of the best places to grow, gain experience, and make friends. The kind-hearted lecturers always provide encouragement and motivation.
  • Aprilia Noni Rahmawati: During my time studying in the S2 Fasttrack Chemistry program at Universitas Airlangga, I gained a lot of knowledge and skills, both hard and soft skills. Thanks to the lecturers who guided us to this point and the entire UNAIR Chemistry family for their support. Thank you to my friends for always encouraging each other through this long journey. Words can’t describe how amazing our two years together were. I hope we all continue to find ease and success in our future plans. Ameen.
  • Nisa’ur Rosyidah: Being part of the fast track S2 Chemistry students felt like being part of a soccer team. We had to compete against S2 Chemistry courses and navigate the complexities of thesis research. Our strategy was time management, which formed naturally under pressure. It was tough, but we had to do our best to get the best score at the end. Thanks to our coaches, the supervising and academic lecturers, for patiently training and guiding us from start to finish. Success to everyone in the future ❤.
  • Diwyareta Ristya Ayuningtyas: Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful to be part of the UNAIR Master’s Chemistry family. I also experienced both offline and online classes during my master’s studies, which thankfully did not reduce the enthusiasm of friends and lecturers who taught us. Thank you very much to the lecturers for their patience in teaching, guiding, and motivating us until we graduated with a master’s degree. Best wishes to everyone ❤.
  • Muhammad Ikhlas Abdjan: My impression during my studies in the Master’s Chemistry program at Universitas Airlangga was gaining more experience and insight, especially in the research field I pursued in computational chemistry. Additionally, I got to know and interact with friends from various national and international regions, exchanging ideas during the learning and research process.
  • Nuzilatul Muschafi: What to say? Oh… wonderful… amazing, unpredictable #S2-KIMIA UNAIR “GREAT”
  • Dinda Khoirul Ummah: Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiinn, very proud to be part of the big family of the Master’s Chemistry program at FST UNAIR. During my studies, I not only gained chemistry knowledge but also many other things. This was thanks to the extraordinary guidance of the lecturers, who were very kind, understanding, and caring. Also, my friends who supported each other, despite having different specializations, did not hinder our conversations, discussions, and friendships. We learned a lot, realizing how broad and interesting chemistry is beyond our specialization. Discussions and jokes were easily had, thanks to the adequate facilities. The S2 student study room brought us closer to one another. I hope the Master’s Chemistry program at UNAIR continues to improve and advance. Thank you for everything, I will miss the campus atmosphere, lectures, eating, drinking, and joking together in the study room while taking a break from lab research.
  • Fakhri Firdaus: Studying in the fast track S2 Chemistry program at UNAIR provided warmth in every process, with lecturers who consistently gave good guidance and staff who always offered sincere smiles to help S2 students complete their studies well. I hope it continues to be extraordinary!
  • Umrotul Furghoniyyah: Very grateful to gain knowledge here. I received many valuable lessons. Thank you to the lecturers and friends for their support and encouragement all this time :))
  • Desita Kamila Ulfa: My impression of studying S2 Chemistry at UNAIR was like riding a train. If you’re not on time, you’ll be left behind ? Many joyful moments and a few sad ones. It’s OK, it’s part of the process ? Success to everyone ❤️.
  • Ahmad Asrorifa’: Alhamdulillah, my best prayers are always for the lecturers and supervisors who have guided me to this stage. I hope I never tire of learning, being grateful, and enjoying each process. Like an electron particle undergoing excitation, transition, and even emission phases to make itself valuable. Not hesitating to collide, radiate, and rotate its nucleus despite its limited mass. Thank you and best wishes to the entire Master’s Chemistry family. From Chemistry Airlangga for Indonesia. See you on top ❤.