Adjunct Professor FST UNAIR Lectures on Bioprocess Development 2

On Wednesday, July 17, 2019, the Faculty of Science and Technology at Airlangga University (FST UNAIR) hosted a guest lecture for Chemistry Master’s and Natural Sciences Doctoral students. However, due to the students’ enthusiasm, students from other study programs also attended. The guest lecture was conducted by adjunct professor at FST UNAIR, Prof. Seung Wook Kim from Korea University, and focused on the Development of Bioprocess Using Microalgal Biomass and Its Application.

During the lecture, Prof. Kim explained that biomass is a fundamental aspect for industrial development aimed at enhancing the quality of a country’s economic sector. Before delving into the main topic of bioprocesses, Prof. Kim provided a comprehensive introduction to the concept of research, which significantly enhanced the participants’ understanding, given their active involvement in research activities.

Prof. Kim then proceeded to detail bioprocesses, covering basic concepts, types, and their applications in product manufacturing and industrial technology sectors. He presented the information clearly and understandably, catering even to students from other disciplines.

Professor Kim also provided many examples of how this can be applied and explained the developments in biomass in his country, South Korea. It’s no wonder that the atmosphere of Korea was so present in this guest lecture.

Not forgetting, as an adjunct professor at FST UNAIR, he also linked this material to the challenges of the 21st century, namely the developments of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, while also providing recommendations and motivation for us to apply bioprocess techniques by utilizing trends such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, and big data.

“Although not directly involved in the field of chemistry, I find bioprocesses particularly intriguing to delve deeper into, given Indonesia’s enormous biomass potential,” said one of the participants in the guest lecture.

This guest lecture is expected to further strengthen FST UNAIR students as agents of change to continuously provide innovations that benefit Indonesia and the world.

Author: Belindha Ayu Ardhani

Editor: Dida S. N. Hilman