A Researcher Aspiring to Become a Lecturer

Rahmanto Aryabraga Rusdipoetra
For me, teaching is a fun activity UNAIR NEWS – A great person is not someone who never gets into trouble, but someone who is wise in dealing with problems and willing to continue to develop to become even better. This attitude was shown by Rahmanto Aryabraga Rusdipoetra, the best graduate of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in the 234th period. Becoming a lecturer was Arya’s main motivation to continue his master’s degree at FST UNAIR. He continues to hone his knowledge by participating in various research activities, such as at the Research Center for Bio-Molecule Engineering (BIOME) UNAIR. “I joined as a research assistant in the bioinformatics division at the research center for bio-molecule engineering or BIOME UNAIR since June 2022. During my time as a research assistant, I contributed to helping lecturers conduct research, analyze research results, and write manuscript articles for research publications,” said Arya. On several occasions, he also participated in providing professional training services to BIOME partners. The training is on the use of computational techniques in explaining chemical phenomena, such as the concept of structure-based virtual screening in the development of rational drug design. The Soul of an Educator In the midst of Arya’s busy schedule, he always takes the time to channel his knowledge by becoming a private Chemistry and Mathematics teacher for elementary, junior high, and high school levels. “For me, teaching is a fun activity, because in addition to increasing my income, sharing knowledge and experience is a joy in itself,” Arya explained. In the field of research and writing, Arya managed to channel his knowledge through four publications of scientific articles in reputable journals, both national and international. One of them is in the Royal Society Open Science (RSOS) journal. “Although I am not always the first author in every journal, it is a source of pride for me. Being able to publish articles that can be understood by others is my first experience,” Arya added. Although the journey is not always easy, Arya believes that there is always a way if one never gives up. “There are no perfect humans, only humans who are always in the process of getting better,” Arya concluded. Author: M. Rizal Abdul Aziz Editor: Yulia Rohmawati Article published on UNAIR News: https://unair.ac.id/peneliti-yang-bercita-cita-menjadi-dosen/