Abdillah Safa: Testimonial for UNAIR Chemistry Master’s Program

Abdillah Safa

At first, I thought that studying was only about understanding theories and concepts taught in class. However, after directly engaging with the community, I realized the immense benefits of pursuing a Master’s degree in Chemistry at Airlangga University (UNAIR). Earning the title of Kesatria Airlangga has given me the confidence to continue growing and contributing on a broader scale.

Currently, I am entrusted as the Director of a Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School), and my experiences during my studies have greatly helped me in managing and improving the quality of students, teachers, and staff, following the standards of discipline and academic excellence taught at UNAIR. Moreover, the knowledge I gained from UNAIR has provided valuable insights into developing an integrated curriculum that combines science and religious studies within the pesantren I manage. As a result, in less than two years, this newly established school has already achieved an A Accreditation.

Beyond that, the knowledge from the UNAIR Master of Chemistry Program has become the foundation of my current dissertation research, which focuses on integrating science and the Qur’an. With this background, I am increasingly convinced that education at UNAIR not only shapes outstanding academics but also cultivates leaders who can bring real benefits to society.

Thank you, UNAIR!