Aprilia Noni Rahmawati Fasttrack Student Passes Closed Examination of Chemistry Master Program FST UNAIR

Aprilia Noni Rahmawati, a fast-track program student of the 2019 cohort under the guidance of Dr. Hery Suwito, M.Si., and Rico Ramadhan, S.Si., M.P., Ph.D., successfully presented and defended her thesis before the examiners and was declared graduated on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, with a thesis entitled “Synthesis and Molecular Docking Study of 4-Styryldihydrotetrazolopyrimidine Derivatives as Anticancer Candidates.”

Presentasi Noni

The pandemic situation has altered the mechanism of thesis examinations for the second semester of 2020/2021. Previously conducted face-to-face/offline, thesis defenses now had to be carried out virtually/online via Zoom. The closed-door examination lasted for 2 hours with Dr. Hery Suwito, M.Si. as the chair of the examination committee and four other members: Rico Ramadhan, S.Si., M.P., Ph.D., Dr. Handoko Darmokoesoemo, DEA., Mochamad Zakki Fahmi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Afaf Baktir, M.S.

During this defense session, there was an insightful message from one of the examiners: “The research topic on candidate anticancer compounds is highly intriguing for further study, as it holds great potential for the future.” Previously, Noni, as she is affectionately known, had published a scientific journal titled “Synthesis, anticancer activity, and apoptosis mechanism of some chalcone derivatives,” published by AIP Conference Proceedings on June 2, 2020. This scientific journal publication was one of the requirements for graduation for master’s students in chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga.