Poster of Research Results

The following are some posters of the research results of chemistry master students 1. Title : Studi Elektrokimia Epinefrin dan Dopamin Secara Simultan Pada Permukaan Elektroda Grafena/Polimelamin/Aunps Secara Voltametri 2. Title : Modified Gold Nanoparticles as Biomarker Sensor of Diabetes Mellitus Using Colorimetry 3. Title : Study of Composite Polysulfone (PSf) Membrane Performance in Dyestuff […]

Community Service Department of Chemistry FST Universitas Airlangga 2019

In 2019, the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga had the opportunity to conduct Community Service (PengMas). This activity, which is part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, was carried out in two locations: the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of Gresik Regency, and the State Islamic Senior High […]

Guest Lecture Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Fauzi

Guest Lecture Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Fauzi entitled “Rice Ecosystem in Universities: it is never too small to start and never too big to strive for to change and make a difference” will be held at: Wed, September 4, 2019, 1-3 pm, Ruang Sidang Kimia 2nd Floor Other news

Adjunct Professor FST UNAIR Lectures on Bioprocess Development 2

On Wednesday, July 17, 2019, the Faculty of Science and Technology at Airlangga University (FST UNAIR) hosted a guest lecture for Chemistry Master’s and Natural Sciences Doctoral students. However, due to the students’ enthusiasm, students from other study programs also attended. The guest lecture was conducted by adjunct professor at FST UNAIR, Prof. Seung Wook […]

Fourteen FST Delegates Take Active Role in 7th Icowobas Joint Conference

UNAIR NEWS – Fourteen faculty members from the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga (FST UNAIR), comprising departments of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics, traveled to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The purpose of their visit was to present research findings at the Joint Conference ICOWOBAS 2019 held at KSL Hotel and Resort, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. […]

Master Program Got New Level On BAN-PT

Magister Program Department of Chemistry Universitas Airlangga finally got grade “A” accreditation, which denotes excellent quality of education program. This will be a starting point for the program to initiate deeper international activities on education and research. Thank you to everyone in the institution, including the staff and students, for the contributions and for supporting […]

Opening of the Fast Track Program Academic Year 2019-2020

The Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga (FST UNAIR) is opening registration for the Fast Track program for Bachelor’s-Master’s degree for the academic year 2019/2020, with the following provisions: Requirements for Fast Track Program Participants: Students from the Bachelor’s Program in Chemistry at Universitas Airlangga or accredited Chemistry programs from other […]