Workshop on Future Planning in Science for YPAS Students
Workshop on Future Planning in Science for YPAS Students On August 27, 2024, the community service team from the Department of Chemistry, Airlangga University, organized a workshop involving 7th to 12th-grade students from the Al-Science Education Foundation (YPAS). This event aimed to equip students with skills and insights for designing strategic steps to achieve their […]
Creative Video Competition Department of Chemistry Universitas Airlangga

A Researcher Aspiring to Become a Lecturer

A Researcher Aspiring to Become a Lecturer Rahmanto Aryabraga Rusdipoetra For me, teaching is a fun activity UNAIR NEWS – A great person is not someone who never gets into trouble, but someone who is wise in dealing with problems and willing to continue to develop to become even better. This attitude was shown by […]
Welcome New Students for Odd Batch 2024/2025

Welcome New Students for Odd Batch 2024/2025 New Students for Odd Batch 2024/2025 Other news
UNAIR inaugurates seven new professors, two of them from Chemistry FST UNAIR

UNAIR inaugurates seven new professors, two of them from Chemistry FST UNAIR Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) inaugurated seven new professors. The addition of these professors further emphasized UNAIR’s contribution, especially in the field of education. The inaugural session took place on Wednesday, October 11 at Garuda Mukti Hall, MERR-C Campus UNAIR. The seven professors […]
Congratulations! Prof. Dr. Miratul Khasanah, UNAIR Chemistry Lecturer, officially inaugurated as Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga.

Congratulations! Prof. Dr. Miratul Khasanah, UNAIR Chemistry Lecturer, officially inaugurated as Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga. Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak officially inaugurated the Deans of Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Luthfi drg M Kes; and Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), […]
Improving Production and Quality of Typical Ngelom Crackers, FST UNAIR Chemistry Department provides Production Tools and Training

Improving Production and Quality of Typical Ngelom Crackers, FST UNAIR Chemistry Department provides Production Tools and Training Community service is a form of university concern in improving social welfare by making a positive contribution to the community or society around the campus. Community service carried out by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and […]
Baso Ilham, UNAIR Chemistry master student who won the Future Research Talent Award in Australia

Baso Ilham, UNAIR Chemistry master student who won the Future Research Talent Award in Australia Baso Ilham, a student of Chemistry master program of FST Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), has been awarded the Future Research Talent (FRT) 2023 program. This program is a research scholarship that aims to bring talented students and research staff from Indonesia […]
Congratulations! Chemistry Master’s Degree Program FST UNAIR achieved LAMSAMA accreditation with Excellent rating

Congratulations! Chemistry Master’s Degree Program FST UNAIR achieved LAMSAMA accreditation with Excellent rating In order to implement the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Article 4 Number 5 of 2020 concerning Accreditation of Study Programs and Higher Education, the Chemistry Study Program at the Airlangga University Masters Program […]
UNAIR Chemistry Department invites Penjaringan Sari residents to turn organic waste into high-value bioproducts

UNAIR Chemistry Department invites Penjaringan Sari residents to turn organic waste into high-value bioproducts Community service conducted by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga (Unair) encourages the development of bio-products from microbes to build entrepreneurship. The encouragement to create bioproducts through microbial management and recycling of organic waste was realized […]