Clinical Trial of Red and White Vaccine Officially Held, UNAIR Rector: This is the First Halal-status COVID-19 Vaccine

The ceremony marking the clinical trials of the Red and White Vaccine (Vaksin Merah Putih) was officially held on Wednesday, February 9, 2022. During the event, the Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak, expressed deep gratitude to all parties involved in the development of this national vaccine product.

Prof. Nasih mentioned that the Red and White Vaccine has been projected as a national pride vaccine product certified halal. On February 7, 2022, the Red and White Vaccine itself obtained a halal certification from MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council).

Rektor UNAIR Prof. Nasih saat memberikan sambutan dalam Seremoni Uji Klinis Vaksin Merah Putih. (Foto: Bastian Ragas)

“The vaccine will be. The halal certificate will be valid until February 6, 2026,” explained Prof. Nasih.

Meanwhile, Prof. Nasih also mentioned that although ready for clinical trials phases I and II, he ensured that the journey of the Red and White Vaccine would be very steep in order to achieve market readiness.

“We need cooperation from all parties. Therefore, we ask for continuous support and cooperation so that this vaccine can contribute to handling the Covid-19 pandemic,” he stated.

In its development process, the Red and White Vaccine indeed resulted from collaboration among various parties. Not only UNAIR but also the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Soetomo Hospital, the National Research and Advocacy Agency (BRIN), BPOM (Indonesian FDA), and Biotis.

“The various collaborations and contributions we have made at UNAIR are sincere for progress and humanity. In line with our commitment to make significant contributions at the local, national, and global levels,” he said.

During the ceremonial moment itself, Prof. Nasih specifically thanked the guests for their support. This included Dr. Joni Wahyuhadi, Director of Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Governor of East Java Dra Hj Khofifah Indar Parawansa Msi, Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Ir Budi Sadikin, and Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy MAP.

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