Congratulations! Chemistry Master's Degree Program FST UNAIR achieved LAMSAMA accreditation with Excellent rating

In order to implement the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Article 4 Number 5 of 2020 concerning Accreditation of Study Programs and Higher Education, the Chemistry Study Program at the Airlangga University Masters Program has participated in a series of accreditation processes by the Natural Science and Formal Science Self-Accreditation Agency (LAMSAMA) starting from file preparation, complete document finalization in the LAMSAMA Accreditation System, Adequacy Assessment (AK), to Field Assessment (AL).

The criteria for LAMSAMA accreditation are international standards. LAMSAMA is committed to always being ready to collaborate with accreditation agencies in the field of science and formal science around the world. Graduates of study programs accredited by LAMSAMA must have 2 main skills that have been rigorously assessed, namely mastery of the field of science (subject specific skills) and professionalism (transferable skills).

During the Adequacy Assessment (AK) process, the Accreditation form is checked by Assessor 1 and Assessor 2 and then validated by the validator to determine that accreditation can continue to the Field Assessment (AL). Field Assessment is conducted offline at the Faculty Conference Room lt.2 Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga and in the Department of Chemistry FST UNAIR with the presence of the Dean, Vice Deans, Head of the Department of Chemistry, Coordinator of Master of Chemistry Study Program, and the entire accreditation team.The Field Assessment lasted for four days from Wednesday to Saturday, June 21-24, 2023. The assessors who conducted the assessment were Prof. Dr. Dra. Dyah Iswantini Pradono, M.Sc.Agr. and Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Nuryono, M.S.

LAMSAMA Field Assessment on Chemistry Master's degree program FST UNAIR

At the end of the session, the minutes of the Field Assessment visitation results were obtained and approved by UPPS leaders, namely the Dean of FST UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Yasin, M.Si., the Study Program Coordinator, Yanuardi Raharjo, M.Sc., Ph.D. and the assessors. With all the achievements, profiles, and resources owned by the Master of Chemistry study program, on July 7, 2023, the LAMSAMA Decree Number 058/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/M/VII/2023 was issued which decided that the Chemistry Study Program at the Airlangga University Master Program, in Surabaya City, had met the requirements for the Superior rating, which is the highest rating in LAMSAMA accreditation. This study program accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years from July 7, 2023 to July 7, 2028. This decision was made in Depok on July 7, 2023 by the Director of the Executive Board, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Drs. Ir. Mitra Djamal, IPU. ASEAN Eng

LAMSAMA Accreditation Certificate

Congratulations to FST UNAIR Chemistry Master’s degree program!

Author & Editor : QRA