Department of Chemistry Universitas Airlangga held a webinar with the theme “Biosensor: Diagnostic and Prognosis Nowadays” by the Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, through its Decota Program on Chemo-sensor and Bio-sensor, hosted a webinar titled “BIOSENSOR: Diagnostic and Prognosis Nowadays” on Saturday, April 23rd, at 09:00 AM WIB. This webinar, the 4th in its Webinar Series regularly organized by the Department of Chemistry, FST, UNAIR, aimed to provide insights into the utility, benefits, and innovations of biosensors in the upcoming era.
Moderated by Alsya from the Health Program (a student of Chemistry at UNAIR) and Yanuardi Raharjo, Ph.D. (a lecturer in Chemistry at UNAIR), the webinar featured competent speakers in the field of Biosensors, namely Dr. rer. nat Ganden Supriyanto, M.Sc., who is an expert in Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, and Dr. Khor Sook Mei from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya.
In the first session of the webinar, Dr. rer. nat Ganden Supriyanto, M.Sc. presented on “Nanogold Lateral Flow Immunoassay for disease detection.” The second session, led by Dr. Khor Sook Mei, focused on another application of biosensors, specifically “Microfluidic Paper-Based Biosensors for Early Diagnosis and Prognosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction.”

Author: Ria Febrianti Setiyaningrum
Editor: Qurrota A’yuni