Dissemination of research by Master’s students in Chemistry at UNAIR for the odd semester period of 2021-2022.

The Master’s Program in Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, conducted an online research dissemination event on Friday (11/3). This activity is routinely conducted after each student completes their thesis defense. As stated by Yanuardi Raharjo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., the Head of the Chemistry Master’s Program at UNAIR, the purpose of this event is to promote UNAIR’s Chemistry Master’s Program to the general public, disseminate various information developed by the program, and provide specific presentation skills to students to prepare them for public forums. “The hope is that this research does not stop here; hopefully, it will continue with the graduates and, most importantly, be beneficial,” Yanuardi continued.

- Yesi Maysita with the title “Characterization of α-L-Arabinofutanosidase from Psychotolerant Bacterium Paenibacillus antarcticus”
- Refka Revina Melyata Ekwanda with the title “Characterization of Excelzyme in Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) Degradation”
- Tital Aldila Budiastanti with the title “Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Dot MnFe2O4– Hyaluronic Acid Nanohybrid as a Carrier for Doxorubicin Drug & MRI Contrast Agent”
- Ulfa Rahmah with the title “Cracking Optimization of Palmitic Acid Using Fe3+ Modified Natural Mordenit for Producing Avtur Compounds”