Dissemination of Research Results by Master’s Chemistry Students in Biochemistry at UNAIR for the Odd Semester 2022-2023

On Sunday (19/2), the Master’s Chemistry Program at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, held the “Research Dissemination Chemistry Master Student Biochemistry Series” online via Zoom meeting. The event was attended by Master’s and Doctoral Chemistry students from Universitas Airlangga, guided by Luhana Ahadia as the master of ceremony and Muhammad Adrian Natsir as the moderator. The main activity in this event was presenting the research results conducted by three Master’s Chemistry students in the field of biochemistry. Before the presentation session began, the Head of the Master’s Chemistry Program at Universitas Airlangga, Yanuardi Raharjo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., gave a welcome speech and congratulations to the prospective graduates of this semester who graduated on time. Additionally, he hoped that today’s presentation would be beneficial for everyone, not only in the field of biochemistry but also in other areas.

“If the students’ research is more comprehensive and its applications are better, it will have a greater impact on society. Therefore, the output obtained will be more optimal. All learning processes, research processes carried out for the thesis, and publications conducted can provide benefits to the wider community,” said Yanuardi.

Here are the Master’s Chemistry students in the field of biochemistry who presented their research results:

  • Jelpapo Putra Yanto with the research title “The Effectiveness of Using Modified Defined Medium with Lactose and Galactose Inducers for the Production of Cocktail Enzymes α-L-Arabinofuranosidase and β-D-Xylosidase”
  • Jazirotul Rohmah with the research title “Planktonic Pseudomonas sp. 5.8 and its biofilm on the surface of Kappaphycus alvarezii as Sulfatase enzyme producer and the potential as surfactant degrader”
  • Alifia Fahtita Nuriana with the research title “Expression and characterization of the gene encoding CBM-Amylase In Escherichia coli Bl21”

Each student presented their research results in turn. At the end of each presentation, there was a Q&A session where participants actively asked questions. This event ran smoothly and with great enthusiasm from the participants.

Author: Sukma Berliana

Editor: Qurrota A’yuni