UNAIR Chemistry Department invites Penjaringan Sari residents to turn organic waste into high-value bioproducts

Community service conducted by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga (Unair) encourages the development of bio-products from microbes to build entrepreneurship. The encouragement to create bioproducts through microbial management and recycling of organic waste was realized in Unair’s community service to residents of Penjaringan Sari Village, Rungkut District, Surabaya, Monday (10/7).

The head of the community service, Prof. Dr. Purkan, S.Si, M.Si from the Biochemistry Division, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, invited PKK women to produce bioproducts derived from organic waste such as yogurt, biosurfactant and liquid organic fertilizer. “The products produced are expected to initiate the growth of entrepreneurship for residents of Penjaringan Sari Village, especially mothers who can increase family income,” said Purkan.

Products of biosurfactant and liquid organic fertilizer from organic waste

Purkan explained that the economic literacy provided to the women of Penjaringan Sari to bring up entrepreneurship through organic waste will be carried out on an ongoing basis. Both product and marketing assistance. “So organic waste has many benefits to be used as entrepreneurial products. Later this community service will be carried out on an ongoing basis, both marketing through digital marketing and business licenses so that the products produced can be recognized by the wider community,” said Purkan.

She hopes that the community service provided can bring benefits to Penjaringan Sari residents, especially housewives, to be able to improve the family economy and help the village’s original income through developing entrepreneurship.

Department of Chemistry Community Service Activities in Bioproduct Development

Responding to this, Lurah Penjaringan Sari Erdian Syahrir appreciated Unair’s community service to grow the village economy through MSMEs and women’s business groups. He hopes that it can be implemented as soon as possible to help the economy of residents in particular.

“We, the village government, really support and appreciate this step to bring up entrepreneurship. Moreover, it can help increase the village’s original income through MSMEs and so on,” said Erdian.

He hopes that this socialization can arouse public interest to be more concerned with waste by utilizing organic waste into high-economic value products. (suh)

re-uploaded by admin from the source https://www.redaksijatim.com/pendidikan/departemen-kimia-fakultas-sains-dan-teknologi-universitas-airlangga-unair-ajak-warga-sulap-limbah-organik-jadi-produk-bernilai-ekonomis-tonggi/